
Terrier Alumni Game Set for November 9th

Mark your calendars, the Portage Terriers are set to host the 2018 Alumni Game.

The Alumni committee would like to invite you to take part whether to play as alumni or come out and cheer on the ‘old dogs’ in this year’s alumni game scheduled for Friday November 9th at Stride Place.

The alumni will have a silver collection at the door for admission and a social following the game at Stride Place. Social tickets will be $10 and available soon, please stay tuned on how to get yours.

We’d love to see former players, spouses and fans alike come down and enjoy the evening. The Terriers are a team steeped in history, come be a part of it.

If you have any questions please contact the alumni by email portageterrieralumni@gmail.com

Some of the players committed to playing;

Brad Mcginnis ” Terrier All time leading scorer “
Brad and Shawn Bowles RBC Cup Champions
Reg Matheson – Played in 1976
Ted Ryplanski and Gavin Mchale are set to play in goal
Gord Ransom
Cliff Ketchen
We hope to see you in the Dog Pound