
Terrier Grow Project 2021 Another Success

The Portage Terriers held another fundraising grow project during the summer of 2021. Even though it was a tough year for growing soybeans the 25 acre field that was donated by Overton Environmental still yielded a great profit for our team!

We would like to thank Overton Environmental for donating the field, Munro Agriventures for managing and seeding the field, New Gen Seed Service for the seed, Portage Agrisales for the chemical, and G3 for purchasing our soybeans.

We are currently in need of a field for the 2022 growing season. If you have some land between 25 and 100 acres that you would be willing to donate to the team we would love to hear from you. Please email portageterriers@outlook.com. We would love to chat with you about opportunities to help.