Peyton Gorski and Tyler Van Deynze with Kora Woloschuk.

Terriers Assist ROK with Hockey Skills Program

For the 4th straight year Recreational Opportunities for Kids is putting on a 12 week hockey skills camp out of the BDO arena.

Together with Matt Jones from WinnPro and the Terriers, 67 kids from LVS and North Memorial are learning to play hockey.

ROK EP Lynn Parker talks about how rewarding the program is. “Tosee where these kids start on day one to where they are at the end of 12 weeks is very exciting. Some of these kids have never had skates on before. Now they’re skating and learning the fundamentals of hockey.”

The Terriers have been a part of the program since the beginning, attending morning skate once a week.

Kora Waloschuk, grade 6 student from North Memorial.  “I really like hockey skills because the Terriers are here helping us learn how to skate because I didn’t know how. Peyton has been helping me since day one. This year I’ll also be able to earn 2 badges in my Girl Guides Group from here. It’s exhausting but I’m excited.”

A big thanks to program supporters;

Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Rec Council

Canadian Tire Jumpstart

KidsSport Manitoba

BDO Centre

Portage Terriers