A picture of the mural coming together.
The Terriers joined in the Canada 150 project today to paint 10 tiles for the mosaic art installation.
What is Canada 150 you ask?
You may have heard about the Canada 150 Mosaic project which involves the painting of 650 tiles to create an 8 x 12 foot mosaic mural. The Portage Public Art Committee was approved as one of 150 projects that will take place across Canada to honor our 150th birthday on July 1, 2017.
The committee has worked through a process to engage the community as much as possible for this exciting legacy event. Beyond the 400 tiles that have been allocated to Portage schools, 10 tiles have been allocated to each of 18 various organizations throughout the community to help ensure community engagement. Portage District and Terriers were fortunate to be chosen.
$14,500 is the goal to be raised for this project and any donations would be appreciated. “Gold” level sponsorship is set at $500 and includes the opportunity to paint two tiles. You can also donate a minimum of $1.00! Community engagement in this legacy project is a primary objective and any and all donations are welcome and encouraged.
We have finalized the site for installation and it will be on the outside wall at PCU Centre to the left of the windows at the Rotary Multipurpose room. Everybody that is involved in the project, whether it be as a donor or a painter or both will be permanently recognized on our website so being part of this exciting project will be remembered for many, many years.
For more information on the Portage Public Art Program or information on how you can become a donor, please visit www.portagepublicart.com. There is quite a comprehensive listing of current public art around our fair city!