Getting to know Braden Billaney in 20 Questions
- 19
- Boissevain, MB
- Favorite sandwich. Chipotle Chicken Club
- Something you’re really bad at. Saving Money
- Fave App on your phone. Instagram
- What’s the last movie you saw? Deadpool
- A song you know all the words to. Sunday Candy
- If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead. Who? Seth Rogen
- One bad habit you have. Biting my nails
- If you could guest star on any tv show. Riverdale
- Something that would surprise people about you. I have an older brother
- If you could be someone else for a day who would it be? Mike Fisher
- What’s the farthest you’ve been from home? St.John’s, Newfoundland
- Describe yourself in one word. Hot head
- What movie title best describes your life? The other guys
- Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
- If you weren’t playing hockey, what sport? Baseball
- What animal best represents you? Wolf
- Who would play you in a movie? Johnny Depp
- What tops your bucket list? Win a billion dollars