Getting to know Michael Knaub in 20 questions;
- Age: 21
- Hometown: Dortmund, Germany
- Pregame Meal: Chicken, rice, veggies
- Fave Subject: History
- Fave App on your phone: Snapchat
- Last movie you saw: Snatch
- Fave NHL Team: LA Kings
- If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead: Bill Gates
- Name one bad habit you have: Eat too much
- A song you sing in the car: Panda
- Something that would surprise us about you: I lay tiles and customize kitchens and showers.
- If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be: Dan Blizerian
- Who is your biggest hockey influence: My Dad
- If you could have any super power: Superman so I could fly.
- Name 3 songs on your phone: Panda, Hate it or love it, All the way up.
- A book you’ve read: Hockey Tough.
- Your biggest accomplishment thus far: Still living the dream.
- Fave Disney movie: I don’t have one.
- Dream Vacation: A VIP yacht in Ibiza.
- If you weren’t playing hockey, what would you be playing? Boxing
Thanks Michael!