Getting to know Spencer Kuhlman – #8
- Age: 19
- Hometown: Grand Forks, ND
- Favorite sandwich: Grilled Cheese
- Stranded on a desert island, you can bring one person: My best friend from Norway Vetle
- Fave App on your phone: Instagram
- Last Movie You Saw: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Nickname: Spenny
- If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead: Chance the Rapper
- One bad habit you have: Biting my nails
- A song you would sing at karaoke: Higher – Rihanna
- Something that would surprise people about you: I am a really good surfer and have my pilots license.
- If you could be someone else for a day: Kanye West
- Who is your biggest hockey influence: My Dad
- Describe yourself in one word: Creative
- Your biggest accomplishment thus far: Moving away from home in 8th grade to chase my dream.
- Fave Cartoon growing up: Rugrats
- If you weren’t playing hockey, what sport? Any water sport, wake surfing, wake boarding, water skiing.
- What animal best represents you? Kangaroo
- Who would play you in a movie? Lenoardo DiCaprio
- Top of your bucket list: Travel to as many places as I can in my life.
Thanks Spencer!